Chair Yoga Class
Mindful Mountain Yoga Cville is a dedicated yoga practice in marginalized communities, reaching low income folks. Our name comes from how we practice- being mindful, and from who we are- the Blue Ridge is in the water and in our DNA.
We offer opportunities for group yoga at all levels of ability for residents interested in maintaining overall health, and for improving injury, illness and loss of conditioning which comes with aging. Our classes are a safe, supportive community where we can laugh at our own foibles without worry or judgement.
Not only about movement and balance in the body, yoga engages focus and mental stillness. Many residents come to classes because life is stressful and there is little opportunity to let go of the continual demands calling for our attention. Our classes are a chance to recharge ourselves and reclaim those moments of appreciating who we are.
Sentara Chair Yoga
Chair yoga is uniquely suited for not having to get down and up from the floor. Seated, we bring the floor to chair height. Standing, we use the chair for balance and combine leg and arm strength so that each one supports the other.
Veterans - Practice for free in our group yoga classes.
Reach out to veterans
In 2006 I taught yoga classes for veterans at the V.A. hospital in Montrose, NY, mostly Viet Nam era servicemen still carrying unique stresses which made it difficult to sleep, hold steady employment or be otherwise successful. We have a 'veterans participate for free' policy. (John K)