Mindful Mountain Yoga Cville started as free community yoga classes providing daily outdoor morning yoga at Meade Park and televised yoga (and online) on Charlottesville cable TV channel 13, in spring of 2020. We responded to the pandemic as Covid 19 emptied fitness clubs and closed yoga studios. Needing to connect safely with our neighbors, we are professional yoga teachers being of service in challenging times.
Our nonprofit has grown to serve communities under stress, where there is no easy access to yoga. We’re in our own neighborhoods, be it public housing, senior homes, medical or school facilities, local centers and parks. Transportation issues are avoided.
Our mission is to provide yoga benefits to our collective diverse communities in Charlottesville, with access to yoga for adequate self care and wellness. Recognizing how mental health and physical ability affects our quality of life, we aim to foster physical resilience and emotional agility in dealing with our daily circumstances. Experiencing the pandemic for several years, life has changed, public resources have had societal shifts and economic inequalities have been exacerbated in ways affecting education, medical care, family stability, and employment.
We have chair yoga at Westhaven, Charlottesville’s oldest and largest public housing community, built for the displaced neighborhood of Vinegar Hill which was razed in 1960 due to urban renewal targeting minority neighborhoods. The shadow of that experience is a weight that still reflects in media and law enforcement, challenged by drug activity and economic hardships. Public housing at Crescent Halls has our Chair Yoga for the elderly and disabled residents.
Lack of a diverse representation in gyms and yoga studios creates health disparity. Diversity helps us introduce mindful practice as a cultural activity. We train yoga teachers of color to continue sustaining community health through yoga.
We are bringing weekly chair yoga to residents at Timberlake Place Apartments, a subsidized senior housing community.
At The Women’s Initiative, our yoga classes support women faced with mental health challenges.
Mindful Mountain Yoga Cville is a fiscal sponsee of Fiscal Sponsorship Allies, (EIN: 85-0839183), a qualified 501c3 nonprofit corporation. under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
Donations to Mindful Mountain Yoga Cville are tax-deductible as provided in IRC §170(c)(3) of the United States Tax Code. Your gift qualifies as a charitable deduction for your federal income tax purposes, to the fullest extent allowed by law. Each donor's situation is unique, consult with your tax advisor. Fiscal Sponsorship Allies, Inc.
Donors : To make a contribution : For credit/debit card donations, text the code "MMYCVILLE" to 44-321, you will receive a link to our donation page to make a donation directly from your mobile device. Or mail your check, made out to Fiscal Sponsorship Allies, to Mindful Mountain Yoga Cville, 600 Rocky Hollow Rd, Charlottesville VA 22911.
Mindful Mountain Yoga Cville offers a holistic approach to health and well-being through movement and mindful awareness. Often we begin with flexibility, strength and balance. By tapping energies within mind and body, we balance our immune system. Relaxed and rejuvenated, results are noticeable within a few weeks. Our nonprofit welcomes every ability level. Beginners encouraged.
Our Community Partners
We are happy to partner with other organizations dedicated to empowering people in local communities. By building relationships with people and groups in our communities, we get to know each other and work together for an equitable quality of life.
Inquire and signup to help bring yoga health.
We appreciate volunteer services.
Is your group wanting yoga support?
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Sponsor Group Class for
Our immigrant and refugee communities
Our low income seniors
Black, Indigenous and People of Color residents
Front Line Workers - our teachers and medical community
Sponsor our veterans